Danny “Nitro” Clark became a superstar athlete with hypnosis
and uses Reveri to maintain peak physical condition.
Meet Danny Lee Clark:
You might know him as “Nitro” from the American Gladiators. At 59 years old, he’s a former NFL player, a 2x bestselling author, actor, speaker and coach. But without hypnosis, he might have never become any of these things.
Danny Lee Clark rose to fame in his 20s on the hit TV show American Gladiators. He and his costars each possessed a unique combination of muscle mass and athleticism. Everyday people would take one look at them and consider them bodybuilders — or even yet — superheroes.
If you didn’t watch the show when it aired, I highly recommend watching Danny’s new Netflix series: Muscles & Mayhem. You can learn about the show’s journey and watch incredibly entertaining footage of regular people going head to head in physical competitions with these gladiators.
Now, rewind the clock to meet adolescent Danny. He was a chubby, shy boy, and a terrible athlete. He immediately gave up on each sport he tried in junior high. American football appealed to him because of all the gear he could hide behind. “I was a kid who didn’t want to be seen,” he said. But after he joined the team, he was benched for being too fat to play.
Then he met Roger, a hypnotherapist. Roger taught Danny something that would dramatically change his life: “The body doesn’t know whether you experience something vividly in your imagination, or in real life.”
Danny went on to use the hypnosis technique Roger taught him on his own every single day, envisioning himself playing a successful football game. And he worked hard at it. Over the course of one season, Danny underwent a miraculous transformation from a benchwarmer to the most valuable defensive player on the team.
“All the success I had, I saw in my mind first,”
Danny tells us. He went on to play college and professional football, and then became an American Gladiator — demonstrating his peak physicality. Anyone who saw Danny in his 20s would realize he was at the apex of fitness.
It’s very likely all these achievements stemmed from his learning of hypnosis.
Now, he chooses Reveri to stay fit.
“I came across Reveri, and I really like that it’s created by Dr. David Spiegel, the head of psychiatry at Stanford. He’s a medical doctor who can prescribe people medications, but he still chooses to teach them this skill of hypnosis,” Danny reflects. “I also like the fact that the inductions and sessions are quick, because I don’t always have time for a 30-minute session.”
Which Reveri sessions are making the biggest impact in your life?
“Sleep, nutrition, and exercise are my three pillars of health,” Danny says. “I use many different Reveri sessions. It’s a toolkit, and I pull out the right tool depending on what I need. I’ve been using the Eat Well session in Reveri to make healthier food choices.”
“To have a tool that is already programmed there makes it so that I don’t have to make the hard decisions when I go to the pantry.”
“I also use the Improve Sleep session if I’m ever having trouble sleeping.”
When you’re at the top of your game, it’s extremely challenging to get 1% better. There’s very little room for improvement at Danny’s level. He uses Reveri to optimize his fitness and nutrition to get those extra degrees of enhancement.
Reveri also helps Danny propel his creative endeavors.
His Reveri Activity runs the gamut from Enhance Focus, Choose your Goals, Prepare for your Workouts, and Overcome Procrastination. “I tend to do a lot of stuff that doesn’t matter before getting to the really important things. I really like Overcome Procrastination because it’s just a 5-minute exercise to help me take the first step. So often it can be so hard to just get started.”
Danny is a writer, speaker, coach, actor, and producer. He’s writing a few screenplays and just produced a Netflix series. He likes using Enhance Focus to ideate a project, like seeing a movie he wants to write in his mind before he writes it. “I’m a creator, and when I’m making something new, it’s really helpful to envision the project… Not just the project, but the successful launch. Seeing myself at the movie premiere.”
“Using hypnosis to visualize a project at the beginning makes it feel like it’s not such a desert with no end. There’s an end in sight and there’s something worth working for. I can see it.”
He also likes to use Reveri’s Quick Relief sessions. Some of his favorites are Be For, Not Against and Celebrate Strength.
Reveri has helped Danny:
Make better food choices
Sleep better
Take action at times of procrastination
When he’s unsure about a creation, it’s given him the ability to see it
“Having Reveri in my phone is like being able to send an email versus having to go to the post office and deliver mail. It makes it that much easier and more functional. If I’m going up against something in life and I know I need help, I can just launch Reveri, do a 5 or 10 minute exercise, and put myself back on track.”
“But I also understand it’s not a one and done — although you can get tremendous benefit from one hypnosis session. You don’t work out once and you’re in shape. You exercise every day to stay in shape. I am regularly using Reveri’s exercises as part of my life practice, to keep myself in peak condition.”
“Hypnosis 100% transformed my life, and having it in my back pocket now is so powerful. And that it’s self-hypnosis, which I can do whenever I need to.”
What advice would you give to others?
“If you’ve never had success in an area in which you’d like to succeed, the path to success will start in your mind. Through self-hypnosis, it becomes a lot easier to visualize that success as if it is already your reality. That will begin your path toward success. You need to take action, and it is a process, but delayed does not mean denied. So many people want something NOW, but you have to trust the process and know that if you show up, do the mental work and the physical work, eventually you’ll accomplish anything you want and unlock your greatness.”
Danny is a real Reveri member.
More from Danny and Reveri…