It's all in the science
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Reveri is rooted in nearly 50 years of clinical research and hundreds of research papers. We distill it all into a world class experience for you.
Reveri’s Founder, Dr. David Spiegel, has authored more than 400 research papers. He’s considered the global authority on clinical hypnotherapy.
The clinical research papers
Brief structured respiration practices enhance mood and reduce physiological arousal
We show that breathwork, especially the exhale-focused cyclic sighing, produces greater improvement in mood (p < 0.05) and reduction in respiratory rate (p < 0.05) compared with mindfulness meditation. Daily 5-min cyclic sighing has promise as an effective stress management exercise.
Hypnosis: The Most Effective Treatment You Have Yet to Prescribe
Despite robust evidence for myriad ailments and sound mechanistic data, hypnosis is underused by internists. Using hypnosis fulfills our pledge to abide by evidence-based treatments that alleviate suffering with the least collateral harm, but there is a discrepancy between its benefits and physicians who offer the treatment. Although hypnosis may appear in the medical curricula at academic powerhouses like Baylor, Harvard, Columbia, and Stanford, hypnosis training is rare even at these institutions. Here is why a modern resurrection of the oldest Western form of psycho- therapy should inspire internists to get trained and offer medical hypnosis broadly.
Shared cognitive mechanisms of hypnotizability with executive functioning and information salience
Our results indicate an inverse relationship between trait hypnotizability and perseveration, an executive function that utilizes regions of both the executive control and the salience systems. This suggests that hypnotizability may share a common cognitive mechanism with error evaluation and implementation of logical rules.
Hypnosis and mindfulness: experiential and neurophysiological relationships
The neural and phenomenological overlap between hypnosis and mindfulness is reviewed in this chapter. The historical emergence of hypnosis and mindfulness in their respective applications to modern medicine and psychology are discussed. Hypnosis is defined as a form of effortless, absorbed awareness with a present moment focus in which imaginative or visual percepts are often prominent. Mindfulness is specified as a broad construct that encompasses an array of meditative practices, the states of awareness supported by those practices, and an enduring trait derived from long-term practice. The overlap between hypnosis and mindfulness is discussed in terms of their respective positions along four dimensions: effort, attention, continuity of awareness, and agency.
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