Meru is becoming a calmer person

and learning to react with her mind rather than her tongue.

When Meru started a new area of focus at work, she was presented with a fresh challenge. Suddenly, she was being required to balance deep focus with creativity on the job. She felt herself under pressure, as if she had to decide to sink or swim.

She chose to develop her skills and swim.

What was the challenge in your life that you came to Reveri for as a potential solution?

“To improve my focus at work. The increased focus and the skill to manage stress that I gained from Reveri helped me rise up to the occasion.”

Meru notes that nothing was really wrong in her life. She added Reveri into a stack of other tools and skills she utilizes to proactively self-optimize, thanks to The Huberman Lab Podcast. As she was growing professionally and personally, she sought out a new tool to help her unlock more of her potential.

“Reveri is not actually like a sudden revelation. It slowly grows on you and you see it consistently working. So you stick with it.”

How has your use of Reveri has helped you achieve your goal?

“I am able to connect the dots and get insights into problems even when I am not consciously working on it. I think it is because of the calm and grounded emotional state that I have gained through the practice of using Reveri regularly. My brain seems fertile.

Meru adds that having Reveri in her pocket gives her the confidence that in times of stress or when she needs to focus intently, she can get into the right state of mind quickly with Reveri. Due to the amount of practice she has put in, she has even learned to relax in situations when she can’t use the app. “I can give the commands in my mind to relax, and I feel my body unwind.”

In the time since you started using Reveri, what is the biggest learning that has happened for you? How, if at all, do you see life differently?

“I have become a lot more calm. I am learning to react with my mind rather than with my tongue. I am able to observe my body – in times of stress – holding my breath, tightness in my neck, shoulders, or chest.” Meru highlights that Reveri’s positive effects on her life are not just related to work. Thanks to using Reveri, she realized that she displays unwanted habits with her partner (although rarely), such as sulking, being passive aggressive, or giving the silent treatment. Now she notices when this happens and works it out internally. She is more able to see when her partner’s actions were unintentional, so she is able to let it go.

“When I was able to react differently recently, I felt calm and happy and realized that it was the self-awareness that I gained from Reveri that helped me to become a better person.”

If you could only share one thing with others who experienced something similar to you, what would be the most important thing to know? Any tips or advice you’d share?

“It does not matter if you are already an avid practitioner of some form of meditation. It does not matter if you meditate sparsely or have never meditated. Please try Reveri and continue with your other practices to gain mastery over yourself.

“Reveri is different in as much as it gives you the agency to think, decide and execute what works for you.”

Meru does a beautiful job of articulating how Reveri helps her to take specific actions in the world, aligned with how she acts when she is the highest form of herself:

“Reveri ties up my other practices for self improvement. Reveri helps me execute the crystallized ideas which I gain out of my study of philosophy and meditation practice. I.e., what would otherwise stay as an idea or a knowledge tidbit becomes actionable because of Reveri.

I am an avid reader of Stoic philosophy. I practice Zen meditation. These are ongoing in my life. Reveri adds to it. None of the above is enough by itself.

While my meditation practices are generic, Reveri is specific. For example, when I need to down-regulate after a gym session I practice a certain meditation… And when I want to stay calm and meditate in the morning, I listen to something else. But when I want to specifically de-stress or specifically focus on a task, I always choose Reveri.

Many people have asked our team about the differences between meditation and hypnosis, among other questions, such as the benefits or risks of doing both. Meru is a shining example of doing what works best for herself. This is what we always recommend at Reveri.

You can use Reveri to focus on multiple goals at once (like Meru does with improving her focus, relieving her stress, falling asleep more easily, and other goals she achieves with Quick Relief sessions). You can also use Reveri among other non-hypnosis practices if they are helpful to you. You are a wide-ranging, complex individual, with a number of different goals to accomplish in your life. Consider Meru’s story an example of approaching your goals holistically. And keep putting in the reps every day.

“When people understand that self-hypnosis is actually gaining control of yourself, they will be able to see the positive benefits and real improvements in their personal lives.”

Meru is a real Reveri member using a pseudonym for the purpose of this testimonial.

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